How To Survive One Week No WiFi


You don't survive a week with no WiFi, but you are finally discovering the real world my friend. I used to think (like a lot of people) that there is nothing else to do without wifi, but trust me, there is! You only have to find it!

First time I went to the little house of my mother and I realized I had no WiFi I got crazy, but Lucky me, I had my Phone and my laptop. Until I realized I got bored by both things because I had no internet connections. I was bored, and felt bad. At that moment I realized that we (humans) are to connected to the internet, social media and all that stuff that we don't see the beauty of life anymore.

I am not gonna change the title but these are the things you actually can do without WiFi:

- Enjoying the sunset (at have deep conversation with friends of familly)
- Reading a book
- Drawing (even if you suck, as long as you enjoy it, Do It!)
- Writing a story (and then draw something for the story)
- Find out how the DSLR from your mom works
- Take photos
- Get yourself all beautiful
- Let someone take pictures of you
- Write down your feelings
- Go hiking
- Or just have a walk
- Make from old stuff new beautiful stuff

But seriously people, if you are bored, just be bored, accept it, relax, do so meditation perhaps and just enjoy the fact you are bored.

For me writing something, like a story or in my diary gives me the creativity to do something else next. I hope this helped you!

Let me know in the comments below what you do when you have no WiFi
Lot's of love
x- Joëlle

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