Dreams Are Messages


I always find dreams very interesting, but do they really send you some kind of a message?

Well, after long searching, I came to the conclusion that every scientist thinks differently. Some do believe there is no real purpose while other believe it's important for your mental and emotional health, also to process daily experiences.
The spiritual persons do believe they mean something, they say you can learn to control your dreams and learn more about yourself.

Now it's totally up to you what you believe.
I do believe it is some kind of processing from daily experiences but also that they mean something, if you closely look at what you dream and what the meaning is, I mostly find it really matching, of course, sometimes I dream things which are totally crazy, but most of the time they really mean something to me and help me go further. I had a period in my life that I asked a question before sleeping because it got my mind al wraped up, and while I was dreaming I got the answer. Not so clear as like "Wel darling this is the anwers" But in pictures, I had to figure what the meaning was but when I found it I realize/ got to know something about me.
I know some of you think this is totally crazy but this is who I am and what I experience.

Just try to keep a dream diary and search for the meaning
Do they match a little with who you are ?
Lot's of Love
x- Joëlle

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  1. I think dreams are really interesting- personally I've had some completely random dreams, but other times I feel like my dreams are trying to tell me something. Often I'll go to bed confused and wake up feeling much clearer, because my dream has sort of guided me in the right direction, if that makes sense!



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