The Reason I Started Making YouTube Videos Again


I have been thinking a lot about this... I used to make videos... And I Loved it! But then... I quite... I couldn't keep it up, like so much things in my life. Of course, after a view weeks, I felt like I wanted to be filming again... But I didn't... why? Because I know I can't keep it up.

Keeping things up for me is super difficult. It always has been like that... Keeping my room clean and cluttered... two weeks later... BAM a mess. I am going to keep up blogging... After a month...BOM no post anymore. I know it... It's my downfall. But for every downfall is a solutions.
Lately, I have been watching Thomas Frank Youtube videos, from College Info Geek's blog and this guy has helped me so much the past month! He posted a video about why you should "Stop trying to 'find your passion'. And that was the moment everything felt in it's place. It so obvious, why didn't I think about this before? Let's what it together, shall we?

It's so obvious all of the sudden right?! 
Anyway, I started filming again because of this girl mainly, Rachel Aust, the video's she makes are so incredibly beautiful that it inspired me, but then I had the feeling above, "I won't be able to keep it up...", then I watched the video above about Thomas Frank and I was like "O.K , but to be really honest, I am quiet scared and really insecure to upload it. What if people don't like it? What if I get mean comments?" And thats the moment I reached out to Rachel Aust. She is the first YouTuber who answered me about this. And that make me even like her more (for the record, now, even if I haven't seen the video, i already hit the like button :) ) She said to me this: 
"- I feel like people who judge have to much free time on their hands. I know that I am way too busy to sit there and leave mean comment about people or gossip about people online, that's what people who are sad or unhappy with their own lives do. I have people saying lots of nasty things about me on YouTube. And I am sure when I first started my channel people I know in "real life" probably said nasty things behind my back, but now so many people who didn't used to like me try to pretend they are really nice to me and be friend. I just remind myself that I want to make videos and take photos like that, and I won't let mean people take something I like away from me."
I was so happy with her response. It's true, and we all should live with that mind-setting.
A view days ago I was talking to a guy who had been badly bullied, really bad, then I think about how I got bullied, which was not that extreme... anyway, he told me that from what you experience, like being bullied, you can get your strength out of it, you are what you are and obviously they don't know better then just being part of a group that does nasty things. They are so low, in every way. You should Always think by yourself that you didn't do anything wrong, and being yourself is not wrong at all! Keep in mind that those people are so small minded. I know girls where I can feel them judging me, saying nasty things about me, but, let's be real, those girls only think about having a big bum and showing of the size of there boobs. And what concerns the guys, let's be real, they only care about their popularity and coolness, their ego is so important that they don't even know how it is to live your own life, for yourself. They only care about what other people think of them because they just want to be popular.
But first let me put a disclaimer here, I am not saying in any mean that everyone is like that! I speak from what I have experienced. But I know some people like I mentioned above who are really nice people!

I want to start filming again because I enjoy the process of doing it, I enjoy the journey, I enjoy seeing the result, I would love to see how I change in all these years. I love filming, I love editing and I love being creative. With that being said I accept not having a lot of followers, I accept were I am now, it's my own journey and as long as I do what makes me happy, I know I will have, like Thomas Frank says "The Dip"( The dip: The Dip is the point at which pursuing a skill become difficult or boring, and that point ALWAYS comes, no matter what you’re doing. )But once I will have pushed through it, I will even enjoy it more.
I hope that if you want to start a YouTube channel you just go for it. With these tips I hope you can enjoy it more. Keep this in you mind! 

The Niche;

A big thing was that everyone is talking about having a Niche... OMG I hate that word so much, YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE A NICE! If you have several interest, that's amazing, you can fusion them and create amazing video by fusion them together! My YouTube Channel is about lifestyle mainly but it really goes from one topic to another... My first video, after a year I think, is My Weekend Morning Routine. This give me a nervous feeling but he, let's watch it together!

So my loves, I hope you did enjoy reading this! I am so happy that you read this until the end!
Lot's of love and Good luck!

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