How To Stay Happy In School!


School can be a hard place to be. Do you feel like nobody likes you, that you are different, that you need to change yourself to be liked? I know I did, and I have learned a lot because of that situation. So let me help you to stay happy at/in school!

I have felt a lot of time not understood, maybe because I had lived most of my life in France, but also maybe because mentally I was much older then the others. That made it really hard for me to understand them, and them to understand me. I always (still sometime) felt like I was an outcast... But because of this long time struggle I was facing I learned a lot. And I hope to help you with my advises.

  1. This one is so cliché but so true... Love Yourself. How can anybody love you if you don't even love yourself. Love yourself for yourself, not because you want others to love you too.
    That's the mistake that I made. I tried to love myself so that in return other people would love me too... that didn't work out...
  2. Exercise. It's proven that working out keeps you on a positive mindset. It's good for your focus, your health, your happiness, stress relieving and it's anti depressive too! WORK OUT! 
  3.  No stress and practice mindfulness. As I was going through a hard time in school I tried to practice mindfulness. Being mindful is being aware of everything that surrounds you and yourself. Eat slow and with passion, listen carefully to your surrounding, do you hear any birds? cars? wind? feel your feet touching the ground, your hand touching something... This will keep you focused and thankful for what you have.
    Stress isn't a good thing in general, it give you pimples, bad grades... it's just a very bad thing in life... cut it out of your life. It works the same as what I wrote in a preview post about living your feelings, you can read it HERE. It's just so bad for your Health.
  4. Sleep more. I hear from so much people at school "I am so tired" my first though is usually "Well go sleep earlier! it's your choice to sleep at 1 am... " And then they complain about bad grades... sleeping is the main thing to keep you energized through the day, and healthy food of course but when you sleep enough, you mind will be able to focus more and will understand things easier and you will remember it easier. 
  5. Give up trying to please everybody... As Sam Smith said: "Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people- the ones who really belong in your life- will come to you"
  6. Keep visualizing your dream future, nothing is impossible, you just have to believe in yourself. Law of attraction! 
I really hope I helped you out! Good luck and don't give up! 
Lots of love!

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