THE MONTHLY JOURNAL #1: Nostalgie; Insecurities; YouTube plans; Let It Go


So this is going to be a new series of mine, we are going to get more personal and I hope that you would love to share your thought on the topics. If you have any questions or blog post suggestions please comment below or you can contact me on twitter!

On The Monthly Journal, we are going to talk about feelings, my goals, plannings, just a recap of the month, I feel like sharing this with you because maybe then we can help each other out. I am in no mean an expert, and sometimes, reading the point of view of someone else can help see things different, clearer, and sharing each others expertise can lead to a major difference in our lives! I know for example that Rachel Aust has helped me so much in my confidence, just the view words she said made me realize something so big  (Read here what see said)! And anyone can do that! Also, I think that every end of the month, if people are commenting below, I'll choose one of the comments ( or more) that helped me out and could help you as well. This could also happen in any random blog post of mine if it is relevant to what I am writing. Of course, you will be named (and featured if you have a blog) and  if you want to stay anonymous add that to the comment.
With that being said, let's start with this journal!

A Lot of time, when I come home from school, I have this place, a beautiful, very peaceful place, this place gives me energy and space in my head. The only thing is that most of the times when I stop there, I feel really nostalgic. I miss France, I miss where I used to live. I remember the sun shining on my whole body, and when it got too hot, I jump into the swimming pool. I remember me stepping out of the bus and walking home in the pouring rain. Al the good memories come back, and sometimes, realizing that you will never have that back again, makes it hard not to let a tear roll down my face. Do you recognize this feeling? how do you deal with it? For over the past two years I am dealing with it, and I can't seem to let it go... sometimes I feel so sad...

Last week I was talking with some people about insecurities. Even though I am more secure about myself now, I still do feel insecure on some topics. For example, if someone from school would ask me if I have a YouTube channel I would turn red and be insecure because I don't like people from school knowing about my blog or my YouTube channel. Only a view people know about it. But, why? Why am I so insecure about it, I should be proud of myself by doing the things I love, right?  And, as long as I love what I am doing it shouldn't matter. But no, I am insecure about it, and I know it, but even if people would know, I know that I won't quit. In the end, they will find out...

So, I hope you weren't too shocked by my blog post last week, I know, it was a little harsh, I just wanted to step out of my comfort zone and tell you guys my thoughts on the people who bully. And also about my YouTube channel. I Love you guys, and that the reason I told you I am going to make YouTube video again. I have somewhat worked out my plans and some videos. My plans are to upload regularly every two weeks on a Tuesday, to make it a lifestyle channel and maybe if you want me to, vlog. I don't know about the vlogging, do you like it? would you love to see me vlog?
Actually, I realize that I need to let things go and move on. Let the mean comment go, be myself, loving what I do and doing what I love. Caring more about what I think and not other people. I have to let it go.
One major thing that helps me with letting things go is a workout, doing Pilates or fitness. How do you let things go?

I really hope you enjoyed reading this! Let me know in the comments section below
what you want to read next week!
Lots of love,

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