Become A Morning Person!
07:30:00Every morning I hear people say at school "I am so tired!" And it's easy to say that, but do you know why you are tired? I bet you don't want to be that tired anymore and want to become a morning person too right? I used to say that, and now, it's not even in my dictionary anymore. This is how I became a morning person.
I was always in a rush in the mornings, I hated school mornings, nothing was worst than that. I slept through my alarm, was late, needed to hurry... it was a disaster. Slowly my personal life became a disaster too... I experience anxiety for the first time. Everything just seemed to get worst and worst. I wondered how people could enjoy mornings. I searched, and searched, and searched and started trying things out. Nevertheless, nothing worked for me. Drinking a glass of water in the morning is the most disgusting thing to me, I rather have my cup of tea. Waking up and getting directly out of bed made me feel even more tired than I already was... So I started thinking, what could work for me? And here is my morning routine, the routine that made me fall in love with the mornings.
- Making sure I slept at least 7 hours
- Waking up before 6 am. I do this because now I am sure I have enough time to do everything that I need/ love to do
- Checking up on social media (I don't like to do this a very long time so I set myself a time for 15 min.)
- Quick Yoga Routine. ( This is never the same, it depends on what I like/ need to do that day)
- Slowly getting myself out of bed
- Slowly preparing my breakfast
- Enjoying my breakfast and my warm cup of tea
- Make myself ready for the day
- Maybe have another cup of tea
- Reading or enjoying the silence
- Heading to school (on my bike, 11 km)
So basically, my advice would be:
- wake up early so you know you have enough time to wake up and start the day of peaceful/mindful
- Do something that gets your blood flowing, to wake up your body
- Don't rush things, this will make the day only more stressful and stress is the worst thing you can have.
- Have something you really enjoy doing and look up to, for me, it is my cup of tea. It could be your coffee, or seeing your dog again, or having a walk.
What make you happy in the mornings?
Lots of love