Become A Morning Person!


Every morning I hear people say at school "I am so tired!" And it's easy to say that, but do you know why you are tired? I bet you don't want to be that tired anymore and want to become a morning person too right? I used to say that, and now, it's not even in my dictionary anymore. This is how I became a morning person.

I was always in a rush in the mornings, I hated school mornings, nothing was worst than that. I slept through my alarm, was late, needed to hurry... it was a disaster. Slowly my personal life became a disaster too... I experience anxiety for the first time. Everything just seemed to get worst and worst. I wondered how people could enjoy mornings. I searched, and searched, and searched and started trying things out. Nevertheless, nothing worked for me. Drinking a glass of water in the morning is the most disgusting thing to me, I rather have my cup of tea. Waking up and getting directly out of bed made me feel even more tired than I already was... So I started thinking, what could work for me? And here is my morning routine, the routine that made me fall in love with the mornings.

  • Making sure I slept at least 7 hours
  • Waking up before 6 am. I do this because now I am sure I have enough time to do everything that I need/ love to do
  • Checking up on social media (I don't like to do this a very long time so I set myself a time for 15 min.)
  • Quick  Yoga Routine. ( This is never the same, it depends on what I like/ need to do that day)
  • Slowly getting myself out of bed
  • Slowly preparing  my breakfast
  • Enjoying my breakfast and my warm cup of tea
  • Make myself ready for the day
  • Maybe have another cup of tea
  • Reading or enjoying the silence
  • Heading to school (on my bike, 11 km)

So basically, my advice would be:

  1.  wake up early so you know you have enough time to wake up and start the day of peaceful/mindful
  2. Do something that gets your blood flowing, to wake up your body
  3. Don't rush things, this will make the day only more stressful and stress is the worst thing you can have.
  4. Have something you really enjoy doing and look up to, for me, it is my cup of tea. It could be your coffee, or seeing your dog again, or having a walk.

What make you happy in the mornings?
Lots of love

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