(Ultimate self-care #3) The thing is… I need your Help... Fitness Talk


I often have to drag myself to my fitness mat to do some Pilates, yoga or simply fitness. Same is that I often just don’t want to do sport. Why is it actually that we push ourselves to do things we actually don’t want to do?

At the moment I find myself in France, you know, the place where I come home, to the person I really am. And I absolutely didn’t feel like working out the first few days. I was exhausted, my muscles did hurt and nothing wanted to cooperate since summer break has started. After those few days I managed to try it out again. I felt great, but still, there was no satisfaction, I didn’t feel like my energy was flowing through my body. The next day I was sore… And really honestly I realized that… maybe this really isn’t me anymore… So that day I went for a walk with the dog and we run back home, that was fun! But I know the second I will take that as a new sport I will find every possible excuse not to do it in the rain… It’s just like my fitness lifestyle completely vanished, and don’t feel like I want to do it, except that it has been part of my life for 3 years now! With ups and downs of course …
Yoga also isn’t something I like practicing every day. I always want to do it quickly because I need to go to work or I need to go to school, and even if I have nothing to do I still feel like doing it as fast as possible…. It’s like I lost the passion for it… and imagine: a couple of weeks back I wanted to become a personal fitness coach…
Did you ever feel like this? If you have please leave a comment or contact me in an email about how you got back on track!
This post was meant to be in my The Ultimate Self-

care series #3: Get moving, but I find myself so out of it that I can’t help you with it either and I need your help! So please leave a comment below telling us how you got back into working out!

Lots of love


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