I Survived School And Here's How I Did It!


When I look back at my years at school, I can't say they were fun, nor exciting. I found my way of getting through this and I'll tell you how I managed to get through it in a second. But can you also believe me that even though I hated it, I had fun and "friends"?

 I am proud of the way I got through this even in the hardest times. A week before my exams we had to euthanize our dog, I saw the vet doing her thing, and I cried, oh how I cried... Then during the last week of my exams, our family got into a huge fight with our neighbours... The cops even came over... I mean come on, can a student these days not learn peacefully?

Anyway, I have my diploma, I graduate and I am so thankful that I did!

And I am flabbergasted, how did I manage to get through these exhausting days at school where it seemed that all my energy and wanderlust was taken away from me?
So I started looking back at my days. For some magical reasons I can recall mostly beautiful and good memories, but let me tell you, those are only a few. Mostly from last two years. This last year was definitely not easy but it was better than the years before and I started actually connecting with more people.
Nevertheless, I never felt really understood by my teachers. Nor supported. Finding friends wasn't easy and most of my time I remember myself hoping between different groups of friends.
But the funny thing is you'll start getting used to that.

So first I want to say to you, start appreciating the things you have instead of the things you haven't. I didn't have a solid group of friends but I knew that in art class I would be with "those" people and I started making a good time. Well I have to admit too that when I am tired I get weird, and I laugh at a lot of things, even the most stupid things, so art class was last period and it was always fun. The girl I was with ended up being the girl I got to with prom. Back then she was just a girl who was nice, now we are friends, and I like that.

Second of all, I want you to stay true to yourself. People know when you are trying too hard, and this will only give the opposite effect of what you want. I know a girl whom I think tries too hard to be special and different. She is passing the entire point of being different. Being different doesn't mean you should be outstanding and explicitly dressed, it just means that you are who you are. Let me explain this with an example: When you see someone who has a bohemian vibe but dresses like a street girl, I mean, it doesn't feel right... do you get me? Don't be that girl, find your style, your vibe and let it resonate with the person you are from within. This way you'll attract like-minded people into your life. It's freeing!

I think I said this one before, but please, please, please, love yourself. You are special in every way! There is only one person on this earth that is like you and you are unique! And let's be honest, the only person you'll have to live with your entire life is yourself, so why not just start, at least excepting that! It will make life so much more fun. And that way, you will start attracting people who see the greatest in you.

And my last one for today, don't be with the wrong kind of people. I think this was my biggest, biggest struggle. And even now, I still do regret not having done this before. A lot of people will never want you to succeed, they say they do, but behind your back, they will talk shit about you. I think that saying this you'll already have some people in mind. Get rid of them, unfriend them, remove them from your phone and let them live their life. Their energy will only bring you down, and you'll lose yourself because of them. Please don't let this happen. Stay true to yourself and your beliefs.

I send you all my love and wish you the best of luck!
I believe in every single peace of you!
Big kisses

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