Surviving Sharing A Home As An H.S.P


Hello, all my High Sensitive Peoples! Living with roommates? Or in a student house? Oh I feel you soo much! It's fun most of the time, but he, let's be real, just between us, it can be, I mean, it is exhausting right?! But what can you do to avoid ending as a tired mess in the evening and being a party breaker?

Well, first of all, let me say I am proud of you for making that step, to live in a student house or having roommates. I personally could never do something like that, especially not sharing a room with someone... only if it would be a h.s.p ... maybe hihihi.
In my case, I am living with my father and brother, which is a big big difference since I used to live with only two women, my mother and sister. I went from living with an explosion of female energy to a house full of ... the energy and habits of mankind... That was, still is really difficult and I am not used to it... So in some way, I can relate, but these two weeks have learned me so much about how to keep your energy balanced.

The first thing that is absolutely a MUST, is having your own space, with your own vibration, your own decoration, the things you LOVE. In a student house, this is easy, usually, you have a room for yourself but if you live with roommates create sort of your sacred corner. For me, my room is my sanctuary, it is the place where I come home, I can relax, I can feel female again! I have my beautiful, energizing crystals, my calm background music (piano ballads, my LP player on, chill out music mostly), my books, my candles and just chilling on my couch by the window, where I can see the moon and the stars (if it is clear of course hihi).
So, first, have your own little-sacred space! :)

Next, I would add crystals to your room/corner. Crystals can heal, help with anxiety, exhaustion and so much more! If I where you I would dig a little deeper into them, they are so fascinating. I always find it funny when people have something like a pain and I hand to them a crystal and they say after awhile "Oh, this is creepy, my pain is feeling less painful". Since I have crystals I feel way more home. The first night I had to sleep in my new room I knew it missed something, it felt cold and absolutely not like a "new home". The moment I moved to my new room (2/3 weeks ago) I brought my crystals, and even though it still was difficult not seeing my sister and mother, as soon as I came in my room, I felt like coming home and hugged by love.
Without crystals around me in my home, I feel empty...  they are life changing. Please Please, Please check them out!

Find the colors that make you happy. I am a colorful person and if you look at my room it is kind of bohemian I guess. Blue couch, red, yellow, fluffy pillows, a warm patterned plaid. That is what I love, especially now winter is coming, I love to make it cozy. Find the style that makes you feel home. 
And find the accessory that resonates with you like candles and blankets if you love coziness... but if industrial makes you feel home opt for an industrial look. DO YOU. To regain your energy the key is to feel home and be able to relax and let go of all doubt.

Before I move on to my last little advice, I have a question, what makes your home Home? Let me know in the comments below :)

Last but definitely not least. Be present in your space, stop with social media for a while and just listen to music, or draw or just look outside, but spent actually present time in your room. The big thing that made me feel home in my room was that I could let go all my emotions and cope with them alone and peacefully without feeling judged or watched. Being able to process what you're going through by yourself, if that is joy, sadness or loneliness, is a way to feel safe and home.

So my loves, I hope this helped you. I wish you a lot of amazing time and don't forget to enjoy and rest.
Lots of love,
Christel Joëlle

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