Do you remember me writing a post about being lonely and that you should live your feelings? You can read it here if you haven't. I wanted to explain to you why it is so important to live them and not to hide them.
We all have problems at a certain moment of our life, and we all have our own way of dealing with it. The most common thing is to hide the feelings we have and cry at night, this way you are tough. What most people don't realize is that when they keep feelings away from others [don't express them] and don't talk about it, it will probably never go away.
When I wrote the article linked above I felt like crap, I wished I didn't feel like that because it was stupid, and I didn't want to talk about it because it was stupid. I wanted to tell it to my mother but she was busy and I didn't want to interupt her with my stupid feelings so I sat by her and didn't say a thing. I knew she knew I wasn't going well but I couldn't open my mouth. When my sister came along my mom told her I was in a bad mood, but I didn't want my sister to know it because sometimes she can just react as if I am really Stupid. So I got mad and told them there was nothing wrong, I walked away. Just a little later my mom came to me and asked what was going on, and I told her it was something stupid and that she didn't need to know. In the end I told her and it gave me a very good feeling, releaved. I also told her why I didn't want my sister to know it and she understood me.
Mind and body are connected in many ways, maybe you think this is totally nuts, but I believe it. For exemple, when you feel sick in class, and you're bored. It may come because you are bored, you want to go home, pretend to be sick, but because your mind think you are feeling sick, you do feel like you are sick but in reality, it's just your thoughts. I've had this a lot... Or am I the only one?
The thing is that when you walk your entire life with that feeling (frustration, anger, injustice ...) you can't process it, this causes illness, and can lead to very bad sickness like cancer (no I am not exagerating), This feeling will be a part of your body, and that is a bactery than can't be removed only if you give it a place. When you talk to someone about it, you give it at the same time a place (it made you stronger for exemple) and at that moment it isn't part of you body anymore.
I hope I explained it clearly...
If you stuck with me to the end, congratulations :)
How do you deal with your emotions?
x- Joëlle