The Small Things In Live


It's hard to see the beautiful things sometimes, feeling sad, being to busy or other, there is Always a reason why. I feel empty when I don't notice them at least once a day. Somedays are stressful, some day's are depressing and I really do not want to feel that way. That's Why I made a list of the things I love and appreciate.

Reading beautiful blogs
Reading a book, with candle light and tea
The sun shining through my window in the morning
Waking up in a place where you can only hear the birds singing
Time with my horse
Being alone with my mom
Being alone
Watching al types of people
When someone you admire emails you back
Smiling at stranger and see them smile back
When you wake up early out of nowhere
And enjoying the Sunrise

(I really got inspired to make this post by FromRoses who has an amazing blog!)
What is your favorite small thing?
x- Joëlle

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