

In the early morning when I get up and glance underneath the curtains of my bedroom window, I see the sunlight already invading the landscape.
What woke me was the barking of the farmers dog. The farmer is my neighbor. Well, that is to say, he lives in the farm more than a hundred meters away from my little house on the French countryside.
His home is an old house, built as they used to do in Burgundy, with all kinds of bricks, roof tiles, cement, grey and red stones.
Around it fly the pigeons, wander a couple of ducks, he has a few rabbits and of course chicken. In the stable you will find 5 cows, aging, but still giving a lot of milk. And every day by sunrise, the farmer lets his cows out in the meadow. And every evening by sunset he walks them back inside, accompanied by his loyal dog that follows him everywhere he goes.
The farmhouse does not have more than a single tl-bar of light in the kitchen, a table with 4 chairs, a refrigerator dated a long time ago but still working and a woodstove.
He will always welcome you to sit at his kitchen table on his wooden chairs to join him for a drink of Pastis and to listen to his stories, told in this hard to understand Bressan dialect but filled with history.
Of course he has his own vegetable garden and no matter how warm the sun might shine on his bold head, you can find him there most of the time, doing this very heavy work to keep the soil fertile and free of weeds.
When the sun starts to sink and the temperatures are lowering a bit, he gets on his tractor and slowly follows the small path to his corn field to spend a couple of hours doing what a farmer needs to do on his land.
Every Monday morning he takes his old Peugeot car out of the old barn and disappears to the market, to come back a couple of hours later with a box of new bought chicken, some fresh vegetables he does not grow himself in his little garden and a bottle of house-wine.
On Wednesday he does his laundry and clean shirts and pants are hanging over the barbed wired fence around his property.
Finally, just before dark, the light goes out in the farmhouse and after a hard day of working, the farmer will call it a day and goes to bed.
And this repeats itself every day of the week. And when you meet him, he is always so cheerful and positive, so full of life and warm hearted.
He is the ultimate proof that happiness has nothing to do with possessing a lot or living a luxury life. His happiness exists in the simple things of life and his simplicity is the greatest richness a man can have.

With love,

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