life lesson from the young bull


I have to confess that I have a strange habit: I talk to myself, aloud. Well, not actually talking to myself. In my experience I talk to my “guardian angel”. She (or he) has been with me since I was born. Being an only child, I have been on my own for most of the time. So there was no one around to confront me with my strange behavior. When I was in crowded places, of course, I tried to behave normal so that no one thought I was crazy.
Now a day people do not really notice anymore because everybody talks into mobile phones with people, car phones, headsets. They are talking as if they are all by themselves. But I do not speak to unseen others (well, in a way, I do also).
Talking aloud  helps to clear my head, get things straight, and helps to solve matters I am struggling with. In my experience there is always someone near to listen to me, to encourage me, to simplify things, to create clear visions and solutions in my mind. In short, to help me cope and come out of situations I feel stuck in.
Most of the time it is during long walks with my dog that I have those discussions with my second half. Walking is great for this purpose. You feel the wind through your hair, you smell the perfume of the wet soil, the grass that has been cut recently. A green surrounding brings  tranquility  into your system. To feel connected with nature helps you through this whole process of untangling your web of sorrow and aching  thoughts.
It was during one of these walks that a young bull gave me one important lesson in life.
I was walking in the forest behind my French home with my dog when I wanted to enter one of the many paths into the woods. And there, in front of me, stood a young ferocious bull. Looking at me with a glance of: how do you dare to step into my territory.
I am not afraid of loose cows or young cattle that escaped from their meadow. But a bull…??
The path was very small and he blocked it totally. I did not want to take the risk that he would attack me or my dog if I should proceed our way. So after a while of observing the situation and feeling kind of disappointed not being able to follow the way I wanted, I decided it would be best to turn around. I found another small path and tried to go on from there, but it was blocked by a fence so we had to go back.
The moment I turned around to take the road we initially came from, I saw the Bull coming out of the woods, sending me a look as if he wanted to say “all right, you won, go on” and turning left on the way from which we came 20 minutes before. Leaving the way free for us to proceed our walk into the woods as we previously planned.
It was one of those signs from the universe to tell me something: if you have a problem and you cannot immediately find a way out of it, just step back for a while, find some distance and when you return to it a little later, you will see that it has resolved itself without you breaking your mind about it.
I thanked the bull for this inside clarity and my dog and I followed our way in the best of spirits.

Warm regards,


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