

We all know that we are living in a very busy world. We are all pressed to hunt for money, career, a busy social life, belonging to a group or to someone, pleasing, making choices all the time, keeping ourselves updated by the latest news where people talk about and we do not want to miss anything.
Fortunately, ways to find a little bit of quietness has blown over from the East and nowadays
we can choose to pick one of the many possibilities to help us to get more peace in our lives.
In every magazine you can find ads of many people who want to help you to improve the quality of your life and mind set by yoga or meditation, at home, in a club or on one of those beautiful tropical islands far away.
While doing this, guided by well-trained people, together with a group or just listening to a DVD or via Youtube, you feel great. But after the session, life is there again with its daily work and filled agenda, appointments, disagreements, shortage of time and it is as if you never felt the calmness you thought to have achieved while doing your yoga/meditation this morning. You lost it.
So let’s be honest: living a spiritual life is not easy to maintain while being in the real world.
Your head is filled with all kind of stuff and it is hard to create some emptiness in it.
We all struggle with this problem. Exercise might help a bit but when we are caught up in all kind of things, it still remains hard to do.
Luckily we all possess a great good: imagination (these days referred to Visualization). We all have dreams. And we all have a little bit of spare time we can fill in the way we want (even while we sit in the subway)..
And the good thing is that wherever you are, you can always think about your dreams, you can always fantasize. And that my dear friends, is the key to succeed in meditation.
You can go to the beach, and watch the waves come and go, listen to the sound of the sea and look at the clear blue sky. Focus on what you see helps to get your mind free of unwelcome thoughts.  Or go to the forest where you sniff the air and hear the branches crack in the wind, lie down and watch the sky above the trees. Nature always helps to get you back to your true self.
But if you do not have the chance to go to the beach or the forest, you can also lie on your bed or on the sofa and close your eyes and live you wildest dream or just imagine that you are on that beach. See the smile of your dreamlover above your head or the clear blue sky above the sea and I promise you, you feel much better afterwards.
Because that is what imagination does with you: you experience it as if you are there. Your body reacts on it as if you really feel it. The mind does not make any difference between imagination and reality.
So please embrace this quality in yourself, use it, and find more peace in between the hectic world we live in.

Warm regards


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