Where Do You Believe In?


I had this interesting conversation with an interesting guy who had a totally different religion than me. At first, I thought "ugh no why...?" but then it turned into a conversation that remembered me of what I stand for. Where do you stand for? What do you believe in?

It all happened one night, I was working, not going to go to much into detail, that guy asked for my number and I have to admit, he was kinda cute ;).
Two, or one.. hih, day later he sends me a message. It was nice. But then he asked me about my What's app status, which I quote: "It's all in our heart and written in the stars". 
And so he started doubting... about what he had done. He had asked my number while his religion didn't quite match with that... And so we talked a lot...

I don't want to go to much into detail about him, but if he is reading this, I want to say thank you. You made me realize one thing I most of the time forget... and that is 'Where/what I believe in. 

Now as many as you know, I do believe in God, only I believe that God is everything, from that tiny piece of rock to the universe. It is in all of us. 

.... moment of silence in my head, what do I want to tell you guys exactly? I don't want to tell you where I believe in (maybe another time?). I have said this a lot in my life. Ed Sheeran too I noticed, but I don't like talking about politic and religion. Because whatever you believe in, whoever you believe in, is up to you! 

I just wanted to ask you to, once in a while, sit still and ask yourself, Where do I believe in? Where do I stand for? Why? And not just asked it to yourself for like, what, a second, No, go to a friend you trust and inspires you too and let's conversate about it! Take the moment to really feel what you think and think what you feel! (does this makes sense? I sure hope so hihi).

If you feel like sharing where you believe in with the world, feel free to comment below, but if you want to share it with someone but don't want the entire world to see it, send me a private message on Instagram or Facebook! I am here for you if you feel like you need any guidance if you don't know it yet. Because one thing is for sure, It's totally normal and it is your journey. I still even don't know where I fully believe in. I just had this extreme feeling like I needed a break from all this spiritual stuff (excuse the language...). But now I feel like it is time to pick it up again and start doing some good research, find what feels good for me. I am still learning every day to let go of social media and it's major influences. But on that a different article! 

I wish you all the best of luck!
With so much love,
Christel Joëlle

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