An Ode To All The Sparkling Seas
08:00:00It's almost half an hour ago I opened this page, wondering what I will write about... spirituality, wellness, art, beauty, or a how to... ... But honestly, none of it all matter right now. Because I want to thank you, for reading and staying open minded.
I want to write this, directly from the heart to your heart.
Every word that is written here, is a piece of my mind. Something that I have been quiet about for so long. I neglected my thoughts which, as some of you may know, gave me a lot of anxiety. I never really talked about anxiety on this blog... maybe I will, one day.
But since I own my blog, sort of my diary, my journal, I feel freer. And even though we don't have a lot of readers (with that I mean circa.50 pair of eyes every week, wich is already a lot for me) I feel more heard.
If I could just help one person out so that that person feels understood and not alone anymore. I am content.
When I started this blog, I named it "Just Another Sea" and at that time, the name resonated with the way I felt. I was just one of the other persons starting a blog. I am not important, I though. But I wanted a place to be authenticly me because at school, I couldn't...
But things have changed, I am becoming more and more the person that my soul wants me to be. And I blame my past for all the good things it brought me and taught me. And because I am learning to see the world differently, I started to see the name of my blog in a new way, a way that I didn't saw before. I don't feel like I am Just Another blogger, I am important. And for some this may sound selfish, but it isn't to me. I changed the name of my blog to All Sparkling Seas for a reason but at first, I found it a little childish, Sparkling sounded so childish... but am I not childish sometimes (hah A.K.A a lot of time)? I want to keep the child I am inside of me forever! It's just who I am and always will be for the span of this life I am living right now.
The reason I changed the name is that
I feel more and more that we are all connected.
Every Single Being As A Sparkle In Themselves. And together we are all sparkling seas. And every sparkle is important. You Are Important. We Are All Important.
All together we are sparkling seas. Water is connected everywhere around the world. So are we. The sun may not always sparkle on your sea some days, but the clouds and thunder will go away finally and the sun will bring the sparkles back onto your sea and shine its light in your soul.
So I want to thank you, for being you! For giving me the chance to express myself without feeling judged. Thank you for your time!
With lots of love
Christel Joëlle