I though about it for a while... This weekend is fully booked because I am going to a Festival and I planned to go a whole day with brother, sister and two half-brother to an amusement park! But then I realized... I actually rather have a chill weekend then a fully booked one.
I complain a lot about not having that one special friend where I can say anything to, laugh with and cry with, but this weekend I am going to a festival with a group of "friends" and enjoy the day, the thing is, none of them is a good friend of mine, you know, the basic standard, not to deep conversation friends. Not that I mind it a lot, I mean it's kinda fun with them, but after 3/4 hours of music and fun I've had enough and want to go home again... But they will be staying there until past 12 pm... something I can't. I blame myself sometimes for not being like them, but you know what? Actually it is more fun being home then with a bunch of girls who aren't even good friend and who doesn't understand you.
So are the Positive Things List of being a Loner:
- Awesome weekend doing what you love
- Have cosy evenings (By yourself)
- You must nothing
- You can arrange appointment when and where even you want
- Being on you computer all day without other peoples comments
- Reading a book without being judged as a nerd
- Singing as loud as you want
- Arrange your day just how you want
So guys, this is it, I hope you like it!
Do you feel the same as I do about this?
Let me know!!!!
Lots of Love
x- Joëlle V