My Indoor Plants!


Succulents, indoor plants, I wasn't really that kind of person that could take care of plants. Until recently. I have a fair amount of plants now... So I thought, why not share with  you all my indoor plants!
Lately, I have been obsessed with plants. I love having green in my room! I actually always was a plant lover but a fair amount of times they started rotting and dying and getting ugly due to an overdose of water. Those poor plants... I killed quite a lot of them... R.I.P plants!
But you know what they say "From your mistakes you learn". and so did I. In the last month two chlorophytum comosum variegatum died... So sad because I really loved them, My fault... I forget to put them back inside after a beautiful day and then at night it started raining... and they got an overdose of water. So babes... rest in peace. So I decided to look how to take care of them (because I still have a baby one in my room) so that the next time, it wouldn't happen again.
So today I am going to share with you all my plants. Most of them are succulent plants and some, and that's just one or two plants, who aren't succulent.

Let's start with the only plant in my room that isn't a succulent plant:
chlorophytum comosum variegatum
( Also known as 'Spider plant')

This plant is one of my favorite because it has a touch of color to it. It's not only green. The outside of the leaves are white/yellow and the inside is green. It's really easy to maintain, it needs a bright spot but you shouldn't  keep it in the sunlight, that burned one of his leave... oops... and you don't want to keep it in a dark spot because then it will lose it stripes... that would be a shame, I think the plant is quite proud of its stripes! hihi. Personally, I water him every week or every fortnight because I tempt to forget it. What's very positive about this plant is that if you forget it once, he doesn't mind, just don't forget it too often. 

Now... Let's get on with the succulents!
This one, oh my, I have been trying over and over and over to learn how to take care of this one because I love them so much! When you treat them well they will give you the most beautiful flowers and pop of color in your room. Mines are finally starting to bloom again and I am so thankful for that. They have beautiful red flowers :) hihi. the most common thing about succulent is not to give them too much water and that was something I struggled with a lot! If you want you Kalanchoë to grow and to get little beautiful flowers, he will need quite some light. He loves having the sunlight falling upon his beautiful deep green leaves. His flowers will pop out faster too! Now, let's talk about watering... I don't really give him a lot of water, maybe once a month, or twice... but I prefer not to overdue it. Although on a lot of sites they tell you to water it every week... I don't and my Kalanchoë is starting to get pretty beautiful. I think that with most plants you need to find out what works best with you planning, and use those help site as a guideline. . 

Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii
Another plant I have fallen in love with recently is this Sansevieria. Actually because of Rachel Aust. She had this plant on one of her picture on Instagram and in her YouTube video and I love it so much! Same as the spider plant it has yellow in it and there is something about the yellow in plants that make everything a lot brighter. He can bare every condition (except for over watering), you can put him in places with bright light or in places with a lot of shadows, doesn't really matter, he will survive. I barely water him, I think not even once a month, maybe once every two months but not much more.

Haworthia Big Band, Aloe Variegata, Echeveria
The reason I put these three together is because they actually are together in one pot. They sort of need the same treatment. What I love about these is that, except for the Echeveria, they also have stripes! Hehe, I like stripes! hihi. I don't know, together they make the perfect combination. I love it.
For them all count that they grow slow, (duh it's a succulent you may think, but some succulent grow faster than you may think!), they don't need to much water except in the hot summer day (wich we barely have here in holland but he, good to know right!). What I do is use a spray and I spray if over the ground, not on the plants. If you do that you will see some white dried water drops on it and that's not really lovely to see. They all love the bright sunlight, and the ground needs to have somewhat of drainage in the bottom. I don't have any pot with drainage so what I do: I put a fair amount of little stones, put them on the bottom, add ground, put another layer of small stones and plant the plant.

Aloe Vera
And finally, the Aloe Vera. So happy I got this one! It's known for its medical remedies when you burned yourself, it is also used a lot in facial cleansing products and hair product, actually in all kinds of product. I got it because a lot of time I want to buy the gel and then I see the price and I am "Oh... little expensive..." and so I decided to give it a go and try it out. It's actually quite a lovely plant to look at. I just don't know where to place him yet in my room. This plant also needs a drainage hole but I just did the same as above. In the winter it barely needs any attention, maybe once every fortnight a little bit of water. In the summer, it needs more water due to the warmth and risk of drying out. You can water it every week BUT make sure that the soil is completely dry before rewatering!
It loves the sun but most sites recommend not to put him for too long in the sun, otherwise, it can burn and get brown leaves..

So that was it! All my indoor plants! Let me know what your favorite indoor plants are!
Lot of love

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