Things we shouldn't forget in life!


When I review my life, I see myself forgetting the big picture. I used to be that girl who always had time, and now I feel like I never have time. Because of this I feel like I am loosing the big picture of it all, I feel like I am forgetting them.

I never though I would ever say this, but I am a busy girl, and even if I am not busy, I am busy. Not physically busy, but mentally. I feel like there is always something going on and that I always have to finish things. But in reality, I don't. Wel... not enormously much. And because of this full mind I have the feeling I get caught up in more things, like fandom, school, planning...
These are things I try to remember myself in those times:

  • I am perfect just the way I am. This is such a big deal when people say that, but let me tel you there is nothing bad about saying that because in the end you are the only person you can rely on, and you have to deal with yourself through your entire life.
  • People always show their positive side of life. 
    Because we don't know sh!t about Beyonces', Rihannas' ect. life, and we probably think there life is perfect but it isn't always that perfect. They probably have their ups and downs too!
  • Nobody's perfect and everyone is perfect.I believe that every one is perfect in their own way, nature made you like that so, as a matter of fact, you are already perfect. Only people make you feel like you are not, but the people who make you feel like that are judging themselves too hard too probably and they are reflecting it on you.
  • Take a deep breath and listen.
    The moment I start listening to the birds, the silence, the people in the house, the rain falling on the roof I start guetting silent again. 
  • Take a piece of paper and writ it all down.
    Most of the time we forget what we are doing the intere day, write everything down on your paper, everything you do. You will notice that you are waisting you time on doing nothing special. This helped me also organize too. We have the habit over exagerating things, times...
So these are the things I do to get myself back to basic, and to remember that I still have a lot of time.

Lots of love

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