5 Ways To Improve Your School Morning Routine


I guess people call me a morning person because I am kind of the person that wakes up before 9 am and is already awake. Although I don’t feel that way… I hate going out of my bed in the morning, I hate knowing that this day is going to be almost the same as yesterday. But there is a solution to every problem.

“No one makes a lock without a key. That’s why god won’t give you problems without a solution.”

My alarm used to go off every morning at 6.30 am. I would hit the snooze. Again. Again. Then I would realize that it’s way past 7 am and that I really need to hurry. And this would go on every school morning. One horrible evening I experienced Anxiety. I’ve known Anxiety for quite a while but never that bad. The next day I stayed at home. I though a lot, talked a lot with my mom and we made a strict decision.

I needed badly to improve my morning routine and evening routine. This is why I start a series of Ways to Improve you (school/Work) morning and evening routines. So here are my tips on improving your morning school routine. Warning: this won’t always be easy, but trust me this is so worth it.

First: you got to wake up earlier! I said I always had my alarm at 6.30 am, well in the first place, remove the snoozer. That thing is actually really bad for you and won’t make you happier. Nowadays I wake up at 6.15 am, make sure to go directly out of my bed.

Second: Directly get out of bed and drink some water. This will taste discussing and that’s why it will wake you up. This really does the trick.

Third: do some stretching, Yoga or just basic muscles stretching. This also is a way to wake you up. And you will feel much more energized during the day.

Fourth: have a nice breakfast. Now I know some people hate breakfast and if you really feel like not having one, don’t. But I would still suggest you at least taking something with you for the first school/work pause.

Fifth: take care of you skin, you face in particular. If you wash your face in the morning this will wake you up. Also I would suggest to put some make-up on, even if it is just a little bit. This will give you a happier and confident feeling and you’ll be looking a lot more awake.

So my lovely’s, Good luck! And comment your best morning advise in the comment section! Would love if we create a sharing and helping community here!

See you next time.

Lots of love and good luck.


Ps: sorry for uploading so late, I had a busy, busy week... and in the holidays I went away... Very very sorry.

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