My school has been nominated as "Excellent and fun". I couldn't agree less. Not to be mean or something, I mean school stays school right? But this doesn't mean school is a fun place nor that it is excellent...
Staying happy in School is one of my most read blog-post (if you haven't already read it, click Here) so far on this blog which means that I am not the only one struggling with this (you can not image how revealing this is to me actually haha), and it hurts me even more that there are so many people like me, not enjoying one bit of school, doing it just because it is a must. I don't know if my blog-post was cliche, re-reading it I feel like it is a little tho, and that is also the reason I am re-writing it, I mean, it was in the beginning of this year and now it is already November! It needs an update hah!
By the way, loves, I haven't really blogged these past few weeks because of my unstable state of mind, school has started and I had a very (trust me) very busy life past few weeks... But lucky you, I am back and we are going to have more fun then before! hehe :)
I made a video explaining how my situation with school was and for some part still is so you can see a little how I experience life for the past view years, there are also some tips and trick for if you are new at school, it's long so be patience (btw, my English can be a little bumpy? at some places so ... don't mind it hih)
Staying happy in School is one of my most read blog-post (if you haven't already read it, click Here) so far on this blog which means that I am not the only one struggling with this (you can not image how revealing this is to me actually haha), and it hurts me even more that there are so many people like me, not enjoying one bit of school, doing it just because it is a must. I don't know if my blog-post was cliche, re-reading it I feel like it is a little tho, and that is also the reason I am re-writing it, I mean, it was in the beginning of this year and now it is already November! It needs an update hah!
"It was liberating to feel that way, I am thankful to be able to see school as a challenge right now! "
By the way, loves, I haven't really blogged these past few weeks because of my unstable state of mind, school has started and I had a very (trust me) very busy life past few weeks... But lucky you, I am back and we are going to have more fun then before! hehe :)
I made a video explaining how my situation with school was and for some part still is so you can see a little how I experience life for the past view years, there are also some tips and trick for if you are new at school, it's long so be patience (btw, my English can be a little bumpy? at some places so ... don't mind it hih)
So now I am going to go a little more spiritual with you all, if you follow me on Instagram (You don't? Well have a look, click here or search for Just_another_sea :) ) you probably noticed I am trying to be more aware of what I do and living more and more without my phone and the bad kind of social media.
So the first thing I want to advice you is to have faith in yourself. For the longest time I though I wasn't going to make it and that this new language was so hard to write and that I could never be able to write it without faults, that I was weird and that people looked at me as if I was different, like an Alien (which for me isn't a problem now, but I'll write a post about this later!). But try to chance this perspective girl, trust in yourself that with some work, faith and devotion you will get there because You Can Get There and you will be able to get there!
See this time of life as a challenge. This one is hard, and it will take you a while to finally see it this way but with the time you will start to have more faith in yourself the more you will be able to see more things as a challenge.
Sometime you need just a moment of light to be able to see this and sometimes you need to go through your darkest moments... for me it was the last option, I did go through a difficult time, the evening before I started seeing school a challenge I was really, really down, I felt so put down by the teacher, I almost believed that all my ideas were bad and uncreative and cried a lot, but the next day when I woke up the first thing that came into my mind was "You are going to start seeing this as a challenge, your teacher want creative and out of the box, well then you are going to show her you are able to be creative A.F and I don't even care anymore if she still think I am a nobody, I may be a nobody to her but she is not worthy of me thinking of her, let's put make-up on now so that nobody can see my huge under-eye circles" haha. It was liberating to feel that way, I am thankful to be able to see school as a challenge right now!
Start by believing in the Law Of Attraction baby! You can start small, for example, in a day or two I will see a pink flower near by school, thing of that during you meditation (if you do meditate, I don't do meditations that often because I am so busy) or every morning and evening before you go to school or you bed. Also don't hang on to that though to much, you need to let it go, only then the universe will do it's magic and show you that little pink flower you wanted to see nearby school. Then take it a level higher, start by saying every morning, and truly believing it, that you are going to find love before Prom or that your are going to have great friends that understand you. Believe in it as you are saying it to yourself, repeat it morning and evening and then let it go. I truly believe in this, at the beginning of this year I really wanted to get a loving job and a few weeks later I got the honor to work in a store called Rituals, out of hundreds of solicitation I got choosed and I didn't even send a solicitation! Best Day Ever!
I wish you all the best of luck, I truly believe in you,! Oh and btw, let me know what helps you the most, let help each other out!
Lots of love